The below Video Is A Sample of the teaching method
and is in some ways not updated. The actual training is approximately 5 hrs. You can not rely on this sample below to pass the exam!
Online Notary Public Class NY Student testimonial
I just would like to thank you for creating such a wonderful Notary Public course for New York. I attended your online course and used your advice on taking the quizzes over and over. I took my notary public exam in Newburgh, NY on August 9th, and received my pass slip in the mail on Friday, August 19th. I was able to retain your online course very easily. I'm going to recommend it to everyone I know who is looking to become a NY Notary Public. Thank you very much again.
Anthony Russo
Social Proof The Notary Classes Online Are very good
and verified over and over on this page below!
ONLY $77 Is A No Brainer! Take The NY Notary Class online. Some people finish it in 1-Day...but You have 4-months access!
DO NOT PROCRASTINATE...JUST DO IT NOW. GET YOUR LICENSE AND MOVE-UP! 4 months access by clicking below. No refunds after you access the info because you have received access to materials. CLICK-HERE-TO-BEGIN
2025 Notary NY On-line Course Licensing Procedure
Notary Classes On The Internet Have Some Advantages
Here are some of the advantages you have when you decide to study for the NYS Notary Public exam on-line:
These are just some of the distinct advantages to using the online Notary class for New York State exam preparation.
If you choose to attend our live Notary Public one day seminars you also have the added insurance of getting FREE Notary Public Online training as well. Get the best of two worlds and attend a live class. If you can not attend one of the Notary workshops because of the location or your work schedule...have no worries.
The online Notary Public NYC class prepares you extremely well. As a matter of fact our live class attendees are EXTREMELY pleased with the online review after the live class to keep them sharp and on their toes!
The online NY Notary Classes we offer are cultivated and fine-tuned to bring you the best of 14 years of facilitating NYS Notary Licensing exam prep know-how, combined with over 35,000 students positive feedback as well as constructive comments. It is no wonder that the New York State Notary Public Association certified classes are voted #1 in New York State by the students themselves. It is also GREAT to receive FREE membership and continuing education from the Association for life!
Notary Public Licensing NY Online Training Class
FREE Training Video Used For Review By Current Notary Association Members!
Please take some time to watch the free NYS Notary training video below. In the video you will get a great sample of exam information taught by Mike Brown, lead instructor for the New York State Notary Public Association. This video represents approximately 20% of
the training we provide for NY State Notary Public licensing exam preparation. Also included in the online notary course are intuitive practice exams that review missed answers immediately. The state of the art training platform ensure the students success while studying to pass the test. Current Notary Publics who join the Association receive training like the video below to stay current on the New York Notary Public statutes that may change semi-annually as the State legislators pass and record changes to the NYS Notary Public Licensing Law.
Online Notary Classes in New York State 2024
Before taking a New York State Notary Public Licensing class on-line you should ask the following questions?
YES...we are saying that our New York on-line training platform and trainer is the best-of-the-best for getting a Notary license certification for any N.Y.S. county, wherever you live or reside in NY State!
The very sad truth is we have over the last decade heard horror stories from our students who purchased other sub-par training materials to study & prepare for the NY exam. They failed miserably and were so delighted with their experience on our training platform that they felt compelled to voluntarily submit the testimonials we have. They were not solicited. should ask all the above questions before purchasing on line training.
ONLY $77
This 2025 Online internet cloud hosted NY Notary Class is the fastest, most efficient and entertaining way to get qualified to pass the NY State exam in as little as 10-20 minutes on average for our students! The system will email you the login instructions and you create your own password. Please be careful typing your email address because that will be your login user ID. You will have 4 months initial access and can request 4 additional free months if you procrastinate, for a total of 8 months access. You can do it in just 1-day. the system will email you a receipt. You will be getting 2 separate emails so check your spam file if you do not see it within 10 minutes. Any problem call (347) 427-9091 immediately. Your email address is your user ID. PRICE $87 for 24/7 cloud-based Access. Sorry, there are No refunds once class begins as you have already received valuable downloads, videos, quizzes, exam tips & strategies. Lifetime Membership in the N.Y.S. Notary Association is included with periodic newsletter refresher training and procedures. This includes the Hot-line phone number to answer questions at your desk after you are licensed.
WARNING: Do not take a cheap imitation course. Read our NY Notary Classes testimonials from those people who were robbed of their valuable time and money by internet marketers. This is the only advanced, self-paced, video-interactive, practice quiz platform, New York State online Notary Public Licensing course. You can watch as many-times as you need and take practice quizzes as many-times as you want. Everything is here that you will need to get licensed fast! There are also printed materials like the NYS Notary License Law included FREE for download. Remember the old saying which is very true, "You get what you paid for." This is do not procrastinate and get your license now. Our ESL (English Second Language) Students do very well!
The quizzes are intuitive... which means they will teach you why you got a question wrong... and help you until you are scoring 100% on your own comprehensive database of NY Notary Exam exam topics. You only need 70% correct on 40-multiple choice state exam questions to qualify for life. You should be laughing in the actual state exam and enjoying it while you ace it!
All the written materials are included that you can get at our live classes. Less than 1% of students have reported failing since 2004.
You will have 8 months of unlimited access. It is possible to do it all in just 1-day however everyone learns at a different pace and personal schedule, so this self-paced, online notary licensing course is perfect for you. You will get a New York completion certificate your employer can reimburse you! 95% of employers say yes when you ask!
The course is Guaranteed for you to pass the 2025 New York State Notary Public Licensing Exam in 15-20 minutes on average. Less than 1% of our students have had to repeat the course for free. If you fail, you will be given a free repeat class with a failed slip within 6 months of your exam date.
(Only 1% repeated!)
BONUS: FREE lifetime N.Y.S. Notary Association membership and continued education is included!
NOTE: No refunds after you receive access.